March 14, 2010

a place for everything, and everything...must be in place!!!

"....if i've said it once i've said it,
at least a thousand times before that
you're too old to act this way,
it must be, your father's DNA!
look at me when i am talking,
stand up straighter when you walk,
a place for everything,
and everything must be in place, 
stop crying or i'll give you something real to cry about,

i purposely copied the lyrics of the video on the left bar... strongly, n remarkably accurately reminds me of my mom!

(it's just too many times that my mom have to say "brape kali mama nk cakap???...da amek letak balik kat tmpat dy!!!")

for example,i took a jar of 'coco crunch' to in front of the TV as snacks and how interestingly forgettable i cud b to leave it der and get the same sentence of -"brape kali mama nk cakap???...da amek letak balik kat tempat dy!!!"- the moment my mum saw d'jar of 'coco crunch'~

or if i took out some mugs for a drink and left it on the dining table (d excuse was always, i just used it once..huhu), or a stack of newspaper (dis one ayah yg slalu kene...hehe) or, many more~

and dat's why, every time i look at the mess on my table now (ecece...nk specific kat meja je plak)...ok my room...i am always reminded dat...if only i put things from where i got them dis mess wudn't b here...hehe~

-tidiness is more preferable as a muslim-

*alf syukran to everybody involved in yesterday's international day! i had a million joys!:D... (iqa baby face???)
cultural day on the move!
*happy bday kinah kamil!!! - go n call ur momsss~


f.a.i.t.h said...

iqa baby face? apekah?

oh oh tenkiyuuu lynne :)

lynne said...

d'thing i was wonderin about...LOL
how come?...hehe...iqa, no offence...u know i love to tease u~

thnx for helpin out ON ur b'day...ciann bday girl kene buat kerje~