March 28, 2010

dun b too direct!


well, i dunno about my personality...honestly it really depends on individual judgement...but i came to realize dis one particular habit of mine - straight to the point! (or in other words...too direct n i'll get people responding like dis- "slambe je cakap macam tu!"...erk~)...LOL

#or sumbody literally did respond to me like dis "lynne, dat really isn't a compliment!"...huhu...i really do apologize for my misuse of proper description, honestly, no offense!

well, i never thought that it was a bad thing until-

one evening, while we were heading back from a book fair or a pc fair from PWTC (if am not mistaken), well, u know "zahmah" as egyptian says (crowded) parents and i were stuck in KL's traffic jam...n we were due to pick up my youngest brother from school but mama thought dat we cudn't make it, so-

"liyana, tolong call ona...cakap kat dy, mama n ayah stuck kat KL...rasenye dlm 2 jam lagi nie...x sempat nk sampai shah alam jemput amat...boleh x mintak tolong ona jemputkn amat dari skolah."

"ok!"...n i absentmindedly dialed ona's number and she picked up-

"hello, mintak tolong amekkn amat kat skolah-..."

"isyh!...bukan cakap macam tu!!!...explainla dulu...we are trapped in traffic jam! haisyh!!! bak sini handphone tu biar mama cakap!"


i was blurrrr...was it wrong???..."manners dear...manners!...nk mintak tolong orang kene berlapik sikit, baru org x rase berat nk tolong kite"

ooo...(huhu...leceh la, stret to d'point kn senang- i tot to myself...however we say it, it still means the same)

n i never really gave another thought on this subject

not until i started living independently and have to deal wif many kinds of people around the world.

yup!...manners is important - to keep the friendship going keep the bonds among our colleagues n peers and doctors and patients and of course most importantly on asking people for help! (people are variable...mind u!...- n of course, they includes me...LOL)
hadn't mama exposed me to such condition, i'd be ignoring this trivial but proves to be crucial act-

i apologize if i unintentionally being so direct to any one of you..mayb it's my nature (huhu)...but i can't deny, we need to learn the art of communication~
*haha, funny to think of that we still have 4 communication skill classes to finish...

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