March 08, 2010

let's bowl!!! was meant for another advice, but yesterday's event changed it...LOL

yesterday i went bowling wif some of gen6 girls...i wasn't meant to b in the crowd tho but it was damn fun!!! (sorry kacau sc bhah n sc kinah~)

wut made me wanna go?...LOL

well, i did go bowling b4 dis a couple of tymes, it's jz dat it never worked out well...n so i asked for tips from my dad...but, ahmad came n said-

"kaklong, mama maen aritu dr spuluh, tujuh strike!"
[sis, mum played b4 n she got 7 strike out of 10!]


so i quickly nagged my mum for tips, n she said-

"mama pun x tau...mama pegi kat situ, aim ikut arrow dy, letak bola n tolak-"
[i dunno how, i jz went der, aim on the arrow, put the ball down n pushed-]

uhuh?(raisin my eyebrow)...dat easy?...

after dat i was dying to try it out~

wut happened yesterday?...LOL...wut i can jz say is - sabar gile jela n iqa ajar ak~

well, one thing is for sure - bowling will never b my profession!,
but it's a really gud way for me to get frustrated n crazily happy (even tho satu pin je yg jatuh...haha)
at least, yana was the best player~...ley tumpang x yana?...since bday kite same???

*ma...i wasn't dat lucky...huhu~


iqa said...

haha tape la lynne laen kali kita g maen lg. kali nei kau mesti strike berturut2! haha.

lynne said...

oo yea???...i like!!!