March 07, 2010

bloody knife

dun get frightened...i purposely chose dis title because i used it to google up pictures...hehe

the event in question passed through me so fast n silent i might not even noticed it had any other accident i absolutely have forgotten! except, of course sumthing else keep on reminding me about it-

sharp objects! (especially if u need to get an injection)

it was about 15-16 yrs ago...when it is just isn't enough if people explain "don't" to me...i jz can't believe it until it really

my mom never let me hold a knife...n i really want to get the "feeling" of cutting something with a's a must!...(u know when u get dis feeling, it's really hard to forget about it)

we had an "open-house"... and finally my shining chance appeared! mom n dad was too busy wif guests n der was a "comb" of banana in the living room with a nice, sharp, long knife beside! my dream came true...(haha, x ley bla!)

i snatched the knife n hold on to it strongly as if afraid my mom wud grab it straight away...i checked out if the coast was clear...(mom n dad was busy chatting)...wif a determined mind (i must do dis!!!)...i hold the bunch if bananas in my left hand n the sharp knife in my right...n pushed the sharp edge of the knife onto the banana trunk -

huh?...nothing happened!, the banana's trunk (the one the red arrow was pointing) just had a slight scratch...
erm...mayb it needs mor force (my little mind calculated dat simple math)

so, with the next determination of giving all out to detach dis banana way from its fellow, i firmed my left hand's grasp on the banana n pushed the knife with my whole heart...but still! wont go thru!...

i recalled watching men working wif saw, they slide it back n forth...mmm...dat might do the trick!

again, with all the forces left in me added wif my new theory (SAW...LOL)...i gave my third try...
and finallly~


dat DID the trick!...

unfortunately...i again, failed to detach the banana but succeeded on bleeding my index finger! (a VERY deep cut!...mind you, the scar is still present now!)...the feeling of sharp pain!...i never, EVER forget the stinging pain!...but i jz can't recall wut happened next...

i might had went howling to my mum complainin of the bleeding finger or just kept quiet to myself (of course embarrassed especially many people were present at the moment), afraid of crossing my mother's instruction of "DO NOT TOUCH THE KNIFE!!!"

LOL...i definitely can't forget this lesson
- dun argue wif the explanation of "don't" when ur mom gave em!...but i jz have to feel it for myself...oh y???...haha


f.a.i.t.h said...

u're just like my youngest bro.
he kept on playing with my grandma's table made out of glass and steel.
he made it as a see-saw.
well, then the next minute after my mom warned him, the table went 90 degrees to the floor and the table edge landed on his toe (left one i think).

he ended up removing the nail heh.

please obey your mom :)

lynne said...

funny how "tiny" minds work...

i shud've jz pulled the banana away instead...all the fuss about cutting 'em...LOL

Anisah Shamilah MS said...

please use antoher word besides "don't" with ur child..

horrow la akk nie..
nmpk jer baik..