March 12, 2010

car ride~

i heard a story once in one of the motivational camps we used to have during high school...the motivator said-

"i was driving the car, wif my dad behind me and my mum beside him...they were already old at the moment n i was keen to spend s much of my time wif them...suddenly, my dad was kicking the back of my seat vigorously...'wut's happen dad?' i asked...'nothin' he answered...'then why are you kickin?'...'owh!...i've been dying to do dis for ages! so now u know now how i feel evrytime i drive n sumbody kept kickin' even tho i said no!...hahaha'" it?...the father was having fun revenging...

the moment i heard dis story, i am always reminded to b silent in a car...and particularly after i took my driving liscence's test...hehe


cause my mom always says
'senyap sikit dlm kreter!...ayah kene focus kat jalan raye!'
['be quiet in the car! needs to focus on the road!']


#safe trip evrybody!...(hope the three of u speak chinese bile da balik nnt!)

1 comment:

sarah said...

hehe.yana, lawak cerita tu. pasni kne duk diam2 la ye.