March 05, 2010

dining etiquette

my mom used to tell us, once we've finished our put our fork n spoon close together...( usually done when we were eating outside, if at home...take ur plates to the sink n wash them!...:D)

like dis-

i never really took great notice about dis until..

we had a proper lesson about dining etiquette during my prep classes in intec...
we did dis in intecma resort wif actual dining (terus practical, x de theory pon n it was one of the funniest event i enjoyed in intec)...

the lecturer/tutor/prof said dat, when we finish dining, put the fork n spoon together...dis act indicates dat u hav finished n the waitress wil come n collect ur plate! hardly reminds me of wut my mom used to tell us...but really, it's not widely practice if u go dining around egypt restaurants (that we can actually

dat's all for today-

*million thnx to evrybody last night! was splendid!!! (sc gabungan)

 from the outside it's the inside...LOL


f.a.i.t.h said...

etiquettes really can make me mad.
sort of a silly discipline, heh.

but well, it really shows that you have a manner and deserve to be respected right?

-- the tea was a disaster haha.

lynne said...

i know u luv the
it honestly came stret from my heart

f.a.i.t.h said...

heh. well, i've a worse experience than that. kene pilih antara nak kene makan bawang putih atau sejenis daun.

i dah taw dah daun tu mesti pahit.
so chose the bawang.
but both were teribble. :(

lynne said...

ak belom sekejam iu...hehe