March 06, 2010

dun cough at the table

today's advice i rmmbred when we had our community medicine round and most of us were not remotely in our best health...

a lot of flu n cough that early winter...

my mom always reminds us not to cough at the table (infront of somebody) especially if der's food...if u wanna cough, face sumwhere nobody is der or simply close ur nose n mouth...[droplet infection]

dis might look like a trivial issue but how many of us really actually care about dis?

yg da blajar 'commed' shud've really understood the importance of trivial measures dat finally end up preventing major chaos! [need to start revising 'untouched' commed now...huhu]

mom alway's know the best!...:D

# surgery was nice today!


f.a.i.t.h said...

seriusly, half of the class didn't attend school. lying helplessly in bed while the other half is struggling weakly throughout the class for the never-ending silibus of public health.

luckily, we did it. managed till the end ;)

lynne said...

rmmbring back those gud old days of community medicine...i can't help worrying about how am gonna manage our finals...

kinah...sila dtg ajar ak!!! (x malu mintak cg dtg ajar...)

f.a.i.t.h said...

haha. you've to come over here.
dah lame tak panjat umah kitorang kan? :P