March 03, 2010

mind ur neighbours

nex table manners advice~
mind ur neighbours!

we used to have evry meal together, n if the table is small, my sibs n i always argue about our
imagine sitting like dis-

we wud argue about chairs, about elbows hitting each other, about even food...not dat der's no space or anything...i tink we jz love annoying each other...until my mum got fed up and finally said-
" cube simpan siku tu tyme mkn! jgn bg kene x gaduh depan mknn!...x murah rezeki nnt!"
"do tuck ur elbows to urself during meals! so dat u won't hit others...people dun fight in front of the food!...(x tau nk tanslate ni camne)"

oopss...da kene

well, during our primary school yrs...we jz luv fighting each other, never really meant to annoy my sibs...jz pure, but dis advice (simpan siku) always made me think about the comfort of other people in my vicinity s long s i am der...i became kind of cautious if i ever made others annoyed or irritated of course excpt my, can't really help it when u get the chance to nudge dem...sorry guys! (tho actually most of the time i was the victim...huhu)

well...dat's today's advice...

a little info for my dear classmates,
jz now i stayed back to ask why we treat acute otitis media wif warm nasal drops...

the book explains so dat warmth can increase vascularity...

hurm...y do we need to do so s the inflammation itself is increase in vascularity?, 

n dr sherrif answered to increase more body defense to the rescue...we r treating the cause...not the symptom!


EmpreSS said...

yup..treat the cause, not the symptoms

fruity_loops said...

what does 'to increase more body defense to the rescue' actually mean?

lynne said...

thnx empress - zuli kn?...or either one of you

fruity loops -

it means, to increase mor neutrophils, monocyte n macrophages towards the 'injured area' (the inflammed part) so dat they can help combating the organism or wutever the cause is...all these defensive cells came from the blood, so by increasing vascularity means vasodilatation...we increase the amount of defensive cells to battle, thus increase our chance in winning the battle -

f.a.i.t.h said...

haha about that simpan siku thingy, naseb la kitorang adek beradek sume makan atas seprah :)
gadoh sape punye nasi & kuah yang tumpah je la heh~