March 16, 2012


correct me if i am wrong
everybody has a journal/diary at some point of his or her life...ryte?
(shae's statement that surprises me...but couldn't disagree)

jz before i leave for Egypt, mama reminded me
"nanti kat Egypt kaklong tulis la journal"
(when u r in Egypt, do write a journal)

epul suggested to me a journal/album/handmade stuffs...

this reminds me...
i've been recording myself on and off since the age of nine
(the oldest one i hav in possesion, i dun remember if i'v written before that...hehe)

but at those time i didnt learn to write about feelings yet
i use to cut out pictures that impress me,
paste it in that book n write a bit why...
and most of those pictures were mama's calender, or magazine or...
any picture-containing-materials around the house...hehe
which includes our family photos...

i remembered ayah n mama frustrated that i cut the pictures out...
"the scene in this picture is important too...not only our faces..."
hehe...sorry ma n ayah...:(
now i really appreciate those photos very much!

*almost every morning, i get the chance to attend Dr Hussein Khairy's lecture...
n he never fails to remind us to jot down everything new that we learn and see...
"at the end of your final year, all of you could publish a book!"
hehe ;)

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