March 26, 2012

gotong royong

during my school days,
we usually have a day or two in a year which we call
"hari gotong royong"

meaning, the day of working together...

it's a day where everybody from the principal down to the first year student and anybody in the school will help out to clean up the whole school...
with the help of everybody,
the huge school looks small
and without even taking the whole day, we can get the whole school pristine :D

my friend khadijah wanted to take over her mother's housework for a year...hehe

opss, a month...
urm...i can't deny mother's work is not something easy to take over...
so if u have ur siblings around we can divide up the task to be done
but since u only have ur brother and he's also working...
my proposal might not be quite easy to do

being clean is half of our iman :)
mama loves if we help out to keep the house tidy...hehe

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