March 01, 2011

student malaysia mesir: I felt it for the second time!!!

sorry for the long title...hehe

just got back from ampang pecah...and guess what?...i can't deny it was fun!!!

anyway, i'll keep ampang pecah's story for next i wanna talk about...peace.

have you ever thought once in your life that you are living in a peaceful setting, nothing to be worried or stressed about, as though it feels momentarily like u are in paradise already?

well...i got that moment once. a moment i realized that i was not worried.
that moment was when i experienced the evacuation process to malaysia.
where almost all the malaysian student in egypt were once compiled in a place called madinatul hujjaj in jeddah.

at first i was just excited by the fact that it was easy to meet people there...(friends who u need to travel with all kind of transport first to see them in egypt) in those few days, they're just next door or next building. (especially ones with babies...hehe)

but then i realized, even though everybody was complaining about being accidently 'held captive' one was cautions. people literally trust their stuff to unknown people...i see people charging their laptops, phones and all sorts of electronic gadgets in block B ground floor unattended. they plug in the charger and left coming back only after it was full or mayb until they suddenly remembered....hehe

i actually left dollars on my bed and it wasn't even moved. (my dorm was filled with almost 30 people and only 4-6 of them i knew very well)

that time i felt glad to be with such acquaintance. grateful that Allah let me feel what it's like to live in a trust-able community.

and guess what?.. these two days, i felt it again at ampang pecah! where all of the people there were malaysian student in Egypt. i hardly knew anyone in my dorm yesterday, and today we're good friends already.

we have this activity where we give "penghargaan" to our friends...i was thinking of giving one at first, but they were limited...huhu...

so here, i'd like to give "penghargaan" to all malaysian student in Egypt for creating this wonderfully calm and peaceful community where we support each other through every thick and thin! where everyone whether they are your very best buddies or you just knew them a second ago is trust-able. that care for everyone not just their friends and always ever so helpful...thank you so much everybody!!! may Allah reserve a place for each one of you in Jannah.

when i told my family in malaysia about this experience, they advice me to be careful...student's life, everyone is pure...but once you start working, you'll never know what people might do to obtain their wicked they do not believe in one God and the hereafter. so be caution to whom you put your trust in! (this is what i've been told)

i miss this community! really!!!
and, i very much like to let others feel what it's like to never be worried being robbed or out of money. having people to share your sadness instead just your happiness...hopefully Malaysia will be that dream country and i would very much like to be a part of that community!

*i dunno if others got the opposite experience, but this is what i felt like so far staying with malaysian student in Egypt.

-hopefully my friday won't b so disastrous...huhuhu


Anonymous said...

bukan senang manusia nk letak kepercayaan pd manusia lain.Alhmdulillah, Allah letak kita semua dlm biah begitu.especially mereka sme our brothers n sisters in Islam
slalu jd silent lurker dkt blog awk ni. 1st tym drop comment.he3
nice post.keep it up~ q[^_^]p
kak zati dz

lynne said...

thnx akak!
miss u so much!!!