March 12, 2011

the cute lil dress

there was once,
we were about to take a trip...a very long journey...
mama n ayah prepared for weeks...or mayb months (i dun remember that quite clearly)

and one of the preparation was our outfit :D

mama sew out my dress...i remembered being so excited, being measured from head to toe every other day. and can't wait for that dress to finish...

it was a flowery chocolate orangy, with a cute girly colar and a huge bow ribbon at the back. the dress was just pass my knees. i wore it with white socks and shoes (dun remember what shoes...hehe)

it was towards christmas...and that dress was luckily done before the christmas celeb at my playschool. i told everyone at school my mom was sewing my dress, as the celebration was near, i purposely asked my teacher what kind of dress i should wear. she said i can wear the one my mom sewn...

"mama, esok ad christmas celebration, teacher suruh pakai baju yg mama jahit tu"
"eh, mane teacher yana tau pasal baju tu...pakai baju laen la"
"yana criter kat dy la...x boley...dy kate kene pakai baju tu jugak..."
(the conversation was something like thing for sure, i wasn't "pelat" as far as i remembered)

and so, i got so excited getting to wear it!

though actually it was sewn for that long journey...
thanx ma for putting up n letting me wear it

*to be honest, i dun remember whether dis is my actual memory or it was told to me by u or was such a long time ago~
*lupe nk grab d pic at home...huhu

happy mama's month!


Anonymous said...

tak penah dgr pun kau cerita pasal ni?
haha cool gileeeeeeeeeee !! :D


sinar_islami said...

Nanti lyne jahitkan bju anak lyne ye..
mesti mcm kamu kecil2..cute :)
ada lagi ye bju tu..muat lagi tak? hehe soalan...

lynne said...

@iqa - tak penah citer ea?...

@sha - haha...will need a lesson for dat, urm...ntah la wujud lagi ke tak baju tu, insyaAllah muat lagi kalau ade...haha