March 18, 2011

kasut lagi...

huhu, my house had some internet problem on the 16th...sorry mama...
i'll try my best continuing your month...
this year's are about specific times am so grateful u are around...

and once was early morning on my second day of primary school in malaysia...
do you remember that day ma?...

i remembered perfectly my first day, because i went to school alone...(skolah petang)
from my morning school (a skolah rendah agama) i took a van to a nursery. they took care of me there and then i took that van again to the evening school...alone...completely forgetting that my dad had told me that he'd pick me up...hehe
*ayah was panicked of course searching for me...but we found each other at that evening school...

after a tiring full day of school...i managed to bring back what looked like a survived war zone pair of school shoes... (cerita kasut lagi...hehe)...the purely white shoes was liked dipped into a chocolate fountain...

mama was of course surprised to see that...

if i remembered clearly, i quickly fell asleep after dinner that exhausted! (haven't picked up the stamina of a day's worth of activities yet)

and morning comes...which gave me a very pleasant surprised instead...that chocolate-fountain-dipped shoes has turned purely white again!!!!...

"waa...macamane bley jadi putih???"...i asked, amazed...
"ooh, mama basuh malam tadi, adek tolong jugak...gune nie"...said my little brother showing me the 'kapur kasut'...
"really???"...and we both looked at that shoes in full admiration...:D

hehe...thank you mama!...
i wonder at what time you woke up to whiten up that shoes...what will happen to me without you~
love you loadsss mama...:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry, nothing to deal with him.

but from you, mintak maaf banyak-banyak. Wish satu hari u tau apa yang brlaku. harap dapat melakukan ishlah.