March 14, 2011

shoes pulak

today's about another outfit story...hehe
i was 11 maybe...we (my mom, dad, sibs and i) were striping down our house from unused items...
while we were rummaging through the piles of boxes under the stairs, i found a bag of shoes...
and a pair of them were actually mine...
a pink lady-like shoe with flowers or checkerboard pattern decorated on it...(i dun remember its details)
this shoe was too small for me by then...
but it reminded me on how i got it before...

i was very small back then, and mama n ayah brought us to a shoe "ADULT" shoe outlet...while mama was looking for a pair of shoes...i took interest in picking out one for me too...hehe

so, by the time my mom found her's, i asked for one too...
"tak boley...yang ni utk org besar..."
"laa...x pe la, da besar nnt yana bley pakai..."
"tak bley2...mama da lambat nie, jom..."
"alaa...yana nk jugak!!!"

and i kept on asking for it until at last, my mom brought me to the kids section...
unfortunately, there wasn't a single shoe for my age yet in that store...huhu
but i still kept on my tantrum asking for a shoe...
when finally, my mom bought me that pink shoe...
"hmm...nah...ingt nnt, umur yana 8 tahun baru muat nk pakai...simpan elok2!"
"ok!" happy...:D

at age 11, i look at that already small and never-yet-been-worn pink shoes...smiled...
"hmm...tak sempat nk pakai...lupe~"...said my mum and she threw it in the bin
*it's already decayed due to lack of use... sorry mama...
i seriously never forgot that shoe though i never get to wear it...
tibe2 rase nk quote ap yg adeeq cakap aritu:-
"isyh...susah la kalau dapat anak cam yana"...hehe

but thank you for putting up with me...:D
love you mama!

*lecture gyneacology td was so interesting...first time a lecturer end his lecture with syair...:D


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