August 22, 2009

Why now???

1st day of ramadhan…should’ve written this thing earlier but I got caught up in ‘bio-nik’… So here comes the reason why I chose this month to start jotting…

Well…month of ramadhan also known as month where everybody does good deeds…I can’t deny that since I started experiencing ramadhan in Egypt. The Egyptians are wonderful! ... They help us when we least expect them…it’s a bit difficult to jot down everything that could awe you but I particularly can’t forget how Egyptians really celebrate ramadhan.

Compared to us…’malaysian’…(no offence)…we are focusing more on the feast but they instead really honored the fasting season…for example…

The sadaqah (donation)


Helping people

As sabr…(they are well known for their hot temper but during this month everybody behaves)

10 last days of ramadhan…

So, let’s be greedy this month because we cannot be assure ourselves to be alive next year!... and this month is definitely special to muhammad’s (s.a.w) followers~

And believing in the quote ‘sharing is caring’… I believe, sharing means I care about others…hope you guys will like to share too

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