April 11, 2012


did you know that chopping an onion in different ways can give out different taste?

i dunno if this 'hypothesis' is true

i was told that,
if i want the onion to blend in with the dish, chop them perpendicular to their layers like this

but if i want to taste chewing the onion in my cook, chop them parallel to their layers like this

and, if i want the onion's consistency in between...meaning not diluted nor too solid in my dish, chop them diagonally
(unfortunately there are no internet pictures chopping onions diagonally)
but, to be honest...i can never tell the difference yet...hee

though they are not extremely "yummie"...my cooking are alhamdulillah 'palatable'...haha
and i learnt cooking...mostly...yup!
 from my dad!
every evening after school if ayah decides to cook, i would be in the kitchen with him...
and he'd explain every single steps to me

from why he chopped the onions diagonally down to why he puts in the salt last...

and finally...i'd love to be the taster!...
ayah's favourite sentence while blowing cold the just cooked dish on spoon for me to taste is
".sssss...yang teramat amat panas!!!"

cooking always reminds me of ayah ^_^

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