April 05, 2012


i know exam is always around the corner...haha
but wanna get out of my usual routine once in a while...
today...i wanna talk about....


we all passed an age where cartoon was our life right?
or was it just me?...hehe

i love disney cartoons...between my age of around 5 (the earliest i recall of) to around 12, every disney cartoons that comes out i'd be dying to watch it...and i believed everybody too
(at twelve i entered boarding school...n there went my tv obsession~)

but to my utter surprise...i found out that all 4 of my housemates has no idea about the existence of pocahontas...whatt???

pocahontas was so extremely famous as far as i remembered...kan kan kan???
i even had a pencil case of pocahontas once before...hehe

"kiteorang tak tengok tv sangat macam kau!" they replied...ouch!hahaha

but what i never knew was...
pocahontas was actually a real story!

i jz found this out while googling for this special day...hehe

in around sixteen hudreds, when the english colonist made their first permanent settlement in america,
they obviously had fights with the locals (which were the Powhatan Indians)
Pocahontas was the 13 year old daughter of Chief Powhatan back then..
long story cut short -
she got used to the english ways, got kidnapped... fell in love in love with an english
and on 5th of april 1614 she got married to John Rolfe with the blessings of her father

my ending was:
her marriage brought peace between the Powhatan Indians and english colonist...

there was of course subsequent events after that...
(nothing is ever after in this world right?)
can go check 'em out yourself here:

today i feel like sharing...n happy birthday!

*always had fun in Prof Moataz class...
and i learnt today to 'take the zero with dignity'...LOL
*if u are interested in reminiscing your childhood like i always do...hehe
can watch this:

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