April 27, 2010

the effect of missiles

am currently reading this book "Healing Body & Soul" by Amira Ayad.

the great thing about this book is it stores interesting stories and it relates a lot with alQuran n asSunnah-

so, today i wanna bring forth a story regarding sources of stress, it says here in this book, there are 3 main sources of stress -
1. personality factor
2. environmental factor
3. social factor

in the personality factor's chapter,  the author wrote this information-
(am copying again...huhu)

i recall here an interesting study performed in Israel following the Iraqi launched missiles during Gulf War in 1991. the study of Israeli civilians found that the mortality rate increased alarmingly after the attack. surprisingly, the increased number of deaths was not caused by the physical effect of the missiles - which were practically ineffective, probably due to the great distance of the target. 

rather, it was caused by heart failure and other cardiovascular problems induced by the fright, apprehension and panic these missiles had induced in the hapless civilians. it should be noted here, though, that the mental state was not the main cause of these deaths; most of the victims had a pre-existing heart condition that made them susceptible to this sudden panic attack. this bring us the idea of holism; a combination of one's physical condition and lifestyle that affects emotions and psychology, and vice versa.

help is always around~

tertarik dengan poster nie...hehe...thnx tukang buat!
#LE 100 anda: membina Palestine

1 comment:

lynne said...

hapless =

an adjective meaning unlucky,luckless or unfortunate