February 05, 2010


last Thursday was our last ENT(1) class b4 holiday...
d'dr dat day, during discussing the complications of otitis media(2) gave me a very intriguing statement (which made me google it up) - he said:

"did you know why temporal(3) bone is called temporal?
bcoz it comes from a latin word named tempus meaning time
those people noticed from the temporal bone came the first sign of aging. which is the grey hair, therefor it indicates time...
and mastoid(4), because it looks like the nipple of breast."

hmm...so they r named because of their character then...okay, frontalis(5) is logic becoz it is the front most situated...occipital(6) becoz it is the furthest...wut about parietal(7)?

so i start googling...here's the anatomy of skull for those who havnt learn them yet or already forget our 2nd yr's anatomy lectures

i found it helps me to imagine n in ENT intro also..
so, the result of my diction's google =

1. of or relating to time
2. of or relating to secular as opposed to spiritual or religious affairs the lords spiritual and temporal
3. lasting for a relatively short time
4. (Linguistics / Grammar) Grammar of or relating to tense or the linguistic expression of time in general a temporal adverb
[from Latin temporālis, from tempus time]
temporally  adv
temporalness  n

(Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) Anatomy of, relating to, or near the temple or temples
[from Late Latin temporālis belonging to the temples; see temple2]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

mastoid [ˈmæstɔɪd]
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) shaped like a nipple or breast
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) designating or relating to a nipple-like process of the temporal bone behind the ear
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) the mastoid process
2. (Medicine / Pathology) Informal mastoiditis
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

parietal [pəˈraɪɪtəl]
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Biology) Anatomy Biology of, relating to, or forming the walls or part of the walls of a bodily cavity or similar structure the parietal bones of the skull
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) of or relating to the side of the skull
3. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) (of plant ovaries) having ovules attached to the walls
4. (Social Science / Education) US living or having authority within a college
(Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Anatomy) a parietal bone
[from Late Latin parietālis, from Latin pariēs wall]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

therefor the parietal bone is named parietal because of its character of being a wall to the brain...well, technically all the skull bones are walls of the brain ...hehe...mayb bcoz it didnt have any other peculiar character (angkat bahu...)

interesting ryte how stuffs are named?
wut about ourselves?...why are we named like wut our names are?
when people call out our names evryday...it acts like a du'a...so dat we become like wut we are called...
so the moral of the story - find a meaningfully nice nickname~
(1) ENT - ear, nose and throat
(2) otitis media - inflammation in the middle ear
(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) - bones in the skull
in one of my full n hectic week-


Anonymous said...

im thinking to change pijot to hafizah instead,hehe.;p

lynne said...

okay hafizah!
tho gonna a bit odd these few days

Yunalia said...

this is so good, im not always become particular about names..

temporal, temporarily..thats correct, it is going to dead one day,

and most suprising about our skull is, we has 10 bones with everything in intact, in the way that we cant imagine how awesome is THE CREATOR,

once u got skull fracture, anywhere at any part, are u able to stick it back as Allah did?

foremost, it is not heavy, with 10 bones(u got to learn more about sinus funtion in related to this)

tq 4 sharing this and salam perkenalan...

to pijot, i will call u hafizah, if u wish me to call u like that, as before i called wan syazana as syaz, and didnt like d meaning and now i use her full name instead of syaz...