July 24, 2012

ramadhan day 5

i noticed that every time i held a baby or beside a child, my heart swells massively
(is that the right expression?...well, that's what i feel anyway...like all the love is suddenly gorged in...whoaa, hehe)

today, in this blessed month of ramadhan,
a new baby of gen6 is born!
baby nu'man...^_^

baby nu'man first day in this world ^_^

congratulations to our wonderful friends,
najib and inoue
may nu'man grows up to be a good boy, great son and one of Allah's favourite slaves

أَللَّهُمَّ فَقِّهُ فَي الدَّينِ وَ عَلِّمْهُ تَاْوِيلَ

this is a dua, my landlord teaches me as she was teaching me al Quran
a dua our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم prayed for ibnu Abbas رضي الله عنه
at that time, ibnu Abbas was still very small...

one day, years after our beloved Prophet (s.a.w) passed away,
Umar al Khattab chaired a discussion of أسباب نزل القرءان
(am not so sure how to translate this literally...it's a branch of knowledge that discusses the reasons of why a certain surah or ayah was sent down in the time of the Prophet s.a.w) or so that is how i understood it

well, in that discussion, Umar al Kattab had invited ibnu Abbas to join in
and at that time, he was only 15 years old...
so, many of the members of that discussion (who were wise and old) argued the presence of ibnu Abbas

anyway, as they were discussing surah an Nasr,

in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1. When there comes the Help of Allah, and the conquest
2.  And you see that the people enters Allah's religion in crowds
3. So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask His Forgiveness. Verily He is the one Who accepts repentance and Who forgives.

sadaqallahu al Azim

most of the members said that this surah is sent down to tell good news, about 'fathul makkah'
that Islam will one day conquer Makkah and many people will embrace Islam.
and was proven to be true

when ibnu Abbas oppinion was asked, he said...
Allah wants to tell us that the mission of our beloved Prophet s.a.w is almost complete
and he (s.a.w) will leave us soon.......

isk isk...

upon hearing ibnu Abbas' words, no one doubts his presence

as the meaning of the dua our beloved Prophet s.a.w prayed for him was

"ya Allah, give him the understanding of our religion (Islam) and teach him the knowledge of interpretation"

*this story is fully based on my al Quran class' notes
i am not a student of Deen...do correct me if there are any mistakes :)

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