July 30, 2012

ramadhan day 11: i feel like a grandma!

of course not me...am 16, 18 max...LOL
(jz kidding)

well, today i had the pleasure of bringing Dr. Heba to Inoue n Najib's house...
they held an iftar for Gen6 to celebrate Nouman's 7th day!!!

of my almost 6 years in Cairo,
i've never tried this: driving!

plus, family n friends who knows me in Malaysia knew how bad i am in remembering directions...hehehe

but it turns out, Dr Heba wanted to drive from our faculty to their house!
(nope, it wasn't me who drive of course...haha)

i prayed hard that i wouldn't get us both lost in the heart of Abou Rish..hehe
Alhamdulillah, we didn't

but...there was another unique experience i went through

apart from being afraid i might get us lost,
the path was not easy...it took us almost 40 minutes just to go through the narrow packed alleys and find a place to park

in every corner we turn,
some thing needed to be moved out of the way
a quarrel needed to be halted
even a little girl help giving way for us...so cute!

'have you been here doctor?' i asked
'never, this is my first time here. how did you manage to find a house here?'
'our seniors used to live here'
'you remember the way?'
'yup, there are many malaysian houses here' and i point out some of my fellow friend's house on our way to Inoe n Najib's house

Dr Heba decided to park a bit far from their house, as that place was a straight path to Medan Sayeeda Zainab
and we were on foot after that.

and finally, Dr Heba said
'i feel like a Grandma!'

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