September 04, 2010

the cookie story


i can't help but laugh damn funny!!!
yesterday i helped my mom making this:

and then ona and aina came for 'buka puasa'...
we ate, chat...talked...and aina asked me for one of those cookies...she took one and went to the living room with amat...


then, she came for another one...
ona became curious, where has she thrown the paper cup...
we all assumed she'd chucked it out somewhere in the living room..."dun worry la ona!" i said
the third time she came into the kitchen, mouth so full...pointing at the jar of cookies ("dy suke biskut ni!" - my mum)...ona asked her,

"aina, sini kejap! mane plastic dy?...packet hitam ni...aina letak mane?" pointing at her paper cup...
aina smiled...opened her mouth and pointed in it...LOL
"astaghfirullahal azim!!! kaklong la ni!...x ajar dy nk makan macamane!dy x penah makan mende dlm paper cup lagi, mane dy tau..." ona pulled out the munched up paper cup from her mouth...what happened to the first paper cup? in her belly...


for the third cookie, i threw away the paper cup first...LOL...

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