July 12, 2010

where did it come from?

on my quest to understand this piece of arabic grammar, my teacher asked...what does 'nahu' (arabic grammar) teaches us?

i thought n replied based on what i wanted from that lesson
-to teach me where to put each word in a correct place in a sentence!...so damn confident!...LOL

my teacher smiled...n shook his head...u got it wrong!

uhuh...?so, what do i learn from the subject nahu?...

thus, my teacher told me the story of how the word 'nahu' came from...

it was in the era of khalifah Ali bin Abu Talib...an incident happened to his friend, Abu Aswad adDu'ali...
Abu Aswad here came from a pure arabic descendant, and that day, he was sitting outside at night in the desert with his 18 year old daughter...they were looking up at the sky~

his daughter said "maa ajmalu asSamaa'?"...(what is the most beautiful thing about the sky?)
"nujumuha!"...replied Abu Aswad...(its stars!)
"la, lam uridu as-su'ala, wa innama aradtu at-ta'ajjub!"...she corrected...(no, i didn't mean it as a question, i meant it as an amazement!)
he was so shocked hearing his daughter saying that..."iftahii famaki!"...(open your mouth!)
[maa ajmalaa asSamaa'!]

worried on how his daughter who was also a pure arabic could make this huge mistake...Abu Aswad told Ali bin Abu Talib about their conversation that night...

'ya amir al-mukminin! last night i spent my time outside with my daughter.'...Abu Aswad started the conversation
'great!, you are a great dad!'...he replied
'we were looking up at the sky, and my daughter said..."maa ajmalu asSamaa'?"'
'tell her its stars!"
'yup, i told her that!...but she replied..."la, lam uridu as su'ala, wa innama aradtu at ta'ajjub!"'
'yaah!!!how can an arab made such mistake???' Ali was suprised!

worried that arabic language would be broken, Ali ordered Abu Aswad to write down that arabic words has three types..."al-ism, al-fe'l, al-harf"...and he added "unhu nahwan haza nahwi" (follow this path!)

and from there came the word 'nahu'...

but still,
my question has not yet been answered...what does 'nahu' teaches me?

my teacher replied politely...
"hua ilmun ya'rifu bihi dobtu awakhiri al-kalimati bi'anwaa'i al-harakati"
(it is the knowledge that teaches you with precision about types of line at the end of each word)


to learn whether you used the correct word for a meaningful sentence we study 'balaghah'
and so on...
owh why dun i like history before???...LOL


AsrarR said...


hehe..seronoknya belajar nahu~

Khadijah said...

Only, you say!
If it weren't for those harakat, you wouldn't know the correct meaning. (That's in proper Arabic, ahem ^_^;).

Imagine learning Arabic without tashkeel or dots. o_O
Interesting, though, quite a few of nahwists (?) weren't Arab, at least not ethnically. Sebaweih was Persian. ^_^


f.a.i.t.h said...

ohh i like this post :D

happy i commented here? :P

lynne said...

asrar - bes3

khadijah - even a slight mistake changes the meaning all together...
my teacher was telling me dat butterfly in arabic are "faraash", n i mistakenly pronounced it as "firaash"...he laughed and said firaash means mattress!

kinah - love it dat u leave a comment!...miss u dear!...:D

hamada hamdi said...

'ما أجمل ' ni lafaz مدح kan?

nahu itu mungkin membantu kita untuk memahami kedudukan kata dan juga untuk memendekkan ayat yang panjang.

خير ما تطلبه منه ما هو طالب منك مثلا

cuba kira ada berapa pelaku dalam ayat ni.

lynne said...


hamada hamdi said...

cuba tengok penerangan abg hidir ni:

خير ما تطلبه منه ما هو طالب منك

خير: خبر للمبتدأ مقدم,
ما: اسم الموصول,
تطلب: فعل المضارع فاعله مستتر تقديره هي اي المرأة اللبنانية
ه: ضمير متصل يرجع إلى الجواب للسوأل
من: حرف الجر
ه: ضمير متصل يرجع إلى الشيخ علي جمعة
ما: حرف الإستفهام و هو مبتدأ
هو: ضمير منفصل يرجع إلى "ذوالحنين" وهو مبتدأ ثاني
طالب: خبر المبتدأ الثاني
منك: جر و مجرور متعلق ب "طالب"
الجملة من المبتدأ الثاني وخبره في محل خبر ل"ما"
و الجملة من المبتدأ الأول وخبره في محل خبر مأخر فأصل الكلام
ما هو طالب منك خير ما تطلبه منه

Disembunyikan pelaku dalam bentuk dhomir supaya pendek ayat tetapi padat. Dalam ayat sependek itu, ada 4 orang yang terlibat. Syeikh Ali Jumaah, wanita Lubnan, Dzuu hanin dan saya. Asal ayat itu akan berjela jika tidak disembunyikan fael nya :
خير ما تطلب الامرأة الجواب من الشيخ علي ما ذوالحنين طالب منك

lynne said...

thnx for the info!!!...:)

hamada hamdi said...

asal frasa خير ما تطلبه منه ما هو طالب منك ni aku amek dari Kitab Syarhul Hikam tapi syarah dia lain la.