October 04, 2009

the donkey in a well

observing the arrival of this year's jr brings forth memories of my days...miraculously, am going into my 4th yr now...haha...it seem just like yesterday my first time here...

jr mara

The Donkey in a Well

s usual...we tell them of how life in egypt...always expect the worst...haha...but to survive physical n mental dilemmas, jz be positive...which brings me to The Donkey in a Well story...

this story is among the 22 advises from dr fauziah which i met in langkawi...

well, normally...a donkey is known to be very dumb...but today's donkey is the one gonna motivate you...here goes~

once upon a time in a very humble and down throdden vilage,there was an old donkey, who worked very hard for his master every day of the year...one day, being very thirsty he went near a well longing for its water to rise up...a rabbit came passing by saw the look on the donkey's face...

'hmm...if only u r clever enough, u might get to drink from the well!' said the rabbit
'really? how so?'
'just climb up high enough to push that pail in and pull it back up with its rope once it's full of water...humans do it all the time!'
'but how to climb?'
'u have legs don't you?...use them! like this!'

the rabbit jumpped demonstrating...so the donkey, with a determined face aiming for the pail hanged on the well..jumpped with all his might...miraculously, he managed!...but sadly he landed....into the well...

'help!' he cried

peeping from above the rabbit looked down

'owh how thick can you be? why are you stupid enough to follow what i said???'

n he left the donkey all alone...so the donkey waited patiently...meanwhile, the farmer looking around worriedly for his beloved donkey became thirsty...he went to the well and to his surprise found out that his donkey was trapped at the bottom...

'dear dear...how did you get in there?'

he quickly ran back to the village and called people for help...interested on how a donkey manage to get itself into a well, many people came to see... and they discussed...

'it's really difficult to get him out!' said villager 1
'yes, the well is deep and the donkey is heavy, there is no way anyone can climb in and carry him out' said villager 2
'but he will die if we leave him there,by the way he is already old' said the farmer
'mmm...that solves the problem!' said vilager 1
'look...he's old, even if we manage to get him out he'll die eventually...so as not to make his death difficult, why dont we just bury him in here...and you can get another donkey for a change' replied villager 1

after considering that option, the farmer agreed to bury his faihful old donkey...so all of them helped to throw in sand...


the donkey, sad at first on hearing their decision of burying him alive~, got another brilliant idea as a shovel of earth came down into the well...everytime they throw down the sand, the donkey climbed up onto the lumps of earth...and up, and up, and up he goes...until his misty old eyes get to see the shock on the villager's faces~...the donkey was saved!

-the end-

well, the lesson here...even on whichever side the donkey was being hurt (physically or mentally) he managed to look at it in a positive way...instead of being depressed about burried alive, he took the news nicely and managed to save himself...so, in reality...we can't avoid from being baffled by other though sumtime they did not mean it...so, just use what u are given at a time to make things brighter~

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