September 03, 2009

make it easy

this morning, as i was flipping the channels, a tv show on astro oasis catches my eyes..."bahtera perubahan"...a talk by dr mohd asri zainul abidin...

his sentence that made me stop pressing the remote control was
"orang yang baru masuk islam pon susah nak faham islam"

mmm...y? he said...(it means like this but he spoke in malay)

before, in Rasulullah time...the young generations heard his preeches and instantly felt unequivocally into forgoing
Rasulullah explains the core of being a muslim...simple,straightforward rules
there is only one god which is Allah
Allah 'see' (maha melihat), so His followers understands that Allah sees everything
Allah 'hear' (maha mendengar)....n so on
so that everybody can understand, whether high or low educated people...

but nowadays we complicate our religion, we explain the philosophy of islam, not the 'akidah', eg: types of waters, sifat2 Allah, all the memorizable stuffs...
it's difficult for people who doesnt understand islam yet to practise this, infact, islam is not just memorizing...

"don't make people run away from islam"

i personally think it is true, takes me years to finally understand why i am a muslim even though i was born as one...
being a muslim is not heritable!

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