August 13, 2012

ramadhan day 25: jami' bilal

this is my first time ever to meet so many...i mean 'a lot!' of "healthy" Egyptian adult and children

well, being in the hospital most of the time, i was never exposed to such crowds
but last night, i went to Jami' Bilal...about 30-45 mins drive from my place...
there were so so many people coming for taraweeh...
even the park beside the Jami' was full

my first time to be part of this huge crowd
and it gives us an extra lift of spirit to perform Ibadah
coz, the Jami' is not just full during taraweeh...
when we woke up for tahajjud, the park is still in use!
Subhanallah! Egyptians really live up the last ten days of Ramadhan... ^_^

after Tahajjud we had iftor in the park and solat subh there

i never knew that going to masjid was this much fun!...^_^

my focus is actually the beautiful crescent!if u can see it...
canteknye bintang2 di langit...hee :)

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