November 05, 2010

what made me rethink

somewhere around January, 2010
i was in a meeting room

it was made compulsory to have a 'tazkirah' in a meeting...
i didn't bother much...i composed myself to focus...

remarkably, (not that it wasn't expected...but it caught my attention) the director himself gave the 'tazkirah' for that meeting...
he said he'd like to start with reading some verses in the Quran...

the first eleven verses of surah al Mu'minuun...he recited it and translated it and explained it to us...

in the eighth verse,

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

"Those who are faithfully true to their Amanat (all the duties which Allah has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trust etc.) and to their covenants (promises)."

he explained to us, that because of this verse...we were holding that meeting...we were given the responsibility (an Amanat) by the society to run an event...and as we have took this responsibility, we were to do it as best we could...

because we are muslims.
*the explanation were longer...but long story cut short~

this struck me...
though i've heard of this before, but the meaning of "Amanat" or "covenant" never sunk in me deeply it had on that meeting...

it made me recall all the responsibility i held:
a slave of Allah
a daughter of my parents
a sister to my brothers
a niece to my aunts and uncles
a granddaughter to my grandmother
a student in the path of Jihad
a friend
a house mate
a leader (at that time)...and many moresss
*not as much compared to those married and with kids...hee

have i fulfilled all my Amanat?...
i wasn't sure at that time...
i usually tend to ignore things that are sophisticated...and focus on the priorities...
here...i found out how much i've belittled what i should have forgone...

and in that split made me vow: to try as much as i can to fulfill all my duties!
that moment made me rethink and reorganize my aims and intentions...

small, passable events, when we ponder through them...they usually store useful lessons...:D
so, that's what i wanna share today~
a reminder for me (da buat "vow" tuh!) and for those who read this...(sorry it's kind of boring)

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