March 21, 2012


happy mother's day mama! ^_^
(21st march is mother's day in Egypt)
while looking for something for my breakfast after my exam this morning...i found this:

it's so cute!

okay, today's story-
one day in february...coincidentally i sat beside a friend that has jz got married in our winter vacation

i congratulated her, n apologized...
"sorry x sempat nk singgah kenduri kamu kat msia aritu...saye pegi kenduri sya"
"owh, seblah saif?"
"sy da balik mesir balik"
"owh, tak pe je...faham :)"
"hmm...insyirah, kamu ad hadiah unique yg kamu nk belikn untuk mak kamu x?"
as i was thinking of my march project...hehe
"! sy nk bagi mak saye cover cushion yang kat hussein tu."

yang macam nie ye insyirah?

"owh, kenapa?"
"sebab haritu mak saye datang, dy berkenan kat cover cushion tu...tapi x beli..."
"laa...knp x beli?...x sempat ea?"
"x x...sebab, kalau nk beli... kene beli bnyk...takkan nk beli satu je cover cushion tu kn?"
"owh...a tak ye jugak...untuk sofa"
"tu least kene ad enam"
"hehe...menarek2...boley sy letak idea kamu ni dalam blog sy?"
"boley...haha...letakla :)"
"thank you insyirah! ^_^"

in short, my friend insyirah wanted to give her mom a set of cushion covers...
u know...those tiny pillows u put in the living room on the sofa
if we have just one or two it'll make it odd...(though some may not really care)
having a complete set is always best

some things in lives, we need to give our complete devotion
n one of them:
loving our parents :)

*general surgery juz now was mind opening!
the first time i witnessed a professor actually broke the ice with an agitated patient, while actually teaching us about skills to communicate with patients n the patient by the end of class was laughing along with us...amazing! glad i attended :D


han! said...

lynn. sweetnya project lynn. kte bace pun da rase sgt terharu.

lynne said...

thanx hani!