March 23, 2010

wake up!!!!

dis is the result of staying in boarding school!...haha
i used to be irritated whenever people told me to go to sleep (as if they dun wanna let me into the fun...huhu), but after experiencing life in boarding school...i can't deny, getting sleep is precious!!!

i dunno if u have been ask dis same question...but most of my friends who havn't stayed in boarding school always wonders wut make 'us' sleep in class...hehe...jz passion of sleep dears~

and so came the episodes where my mum have to wake me up for subuh prayers every morning-

"liyana!!! wake up!!! x elok bgn matehari da tinggi...hilang rezeki nanti, burung2 sume da bangun da cari rezeki!"

burung???...hehe...i can't forget that morning...first tyme i heard my mum using a metaphor~...LOL, wut came to my mind that morn was..."since when did mama became superstitious?"...huhu...little dat i know after telling this story to my aunt she replied- "ade dalam hadith la yana!"

n, wonderfully...last yr, my arabic teaher, ust ibrahim told me this hadith during one of our learning session-

Rasulullah saw telah bersabda:

لو انكم تتوكلون على الله حق توكله لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير نغدوا خماصا وتروح بطانا

“Seandainya kamu semua bertawakkal kepada Allah dan berserah diri sepenuhnya, maka kamu akan mendapat rezki sepertimana burung-burung mendapatkannya, keluar di waktu awal pagi dalam keadaan lapar dan kembali pada waktu petang dalam keadaan perut kenyang”. (HR. Imam Tirmizi)

n ust ibrahim explained that the word 'taghdu' means 'takhruj fi as-sobah' (going out in the morning)

so, people...there is always a reason why Allah created certain things as it is...n the nature that we need to wake up in the morn and sleep at night is one of them...(now teringt blajar CNS mase 2nd yr)

let's start our day in His blessings!
n thnx mama!...ur advices always in stores wonderful meanings~


afifah said...

oh..patut la awak jadi org yang berpagi-pagi.terkesan dari nasihat ni la ye

lynne said...

hehe...kalo stay up mlm, saye tdo gak pagi2 kak pips!

eheh...nk tambah...i feel really glad to b given the chance to stay here wif evrybody...where else nk jumpe community yg concern about other people like here...:D