January 19, 2010

nursery rhymes

listen to this malay nursery rhyme -

now to this english nursery rhyme -

the meanings are alike right!...well not exactly similar~
i realized dis since standard 3 
my friend n i was discussing the "mystery of why country's rulers are usually rich" just now n it reminds me about this six pence song!


(i always assume 'tax' came from ancient england)
-the product of studying community medicine...LOL


Jackster said...

haha btol ar same

Anonymous said...

yup2...interestingly,they even accounted for the currency..

0.30 MYR -3kupang


0.0548084 GBP -lebih kurang 6 pence


lynne said...

jack - kn3?

cat - LOL...i didn't even realize dat...thnx btw!